Making ICT work for farmers in Uganda

Information and communication technology for farmers (ICT4FARMERS) focuses on the enhancement of agricultural activities along the value chain through improved information and communication processes hence decision making at the various stage which are production and post-production.

ICT4FARMERS will involve the conceptualization, design, development, evaluation and application of innovative ways to use information and communication technologies (ICTs) in the rural areas the domain, with a primary focus on the farming sector. ICT includes devices, networks, mobiles, services and applications; these range from innovate Internet-era technologies (smart phones) and sensors to other pre-existing aids such as fixed telephones and call centers services.

Recent studies revealed that agriculture employs over 70% of Uganda’s population of which majority are youth and women in rural areas who are greatly affected by; climate change, weak digital skills, limited access to productivity knowledge along value chains, limited access to quality farm inputs, weak logistics systems, limited access to quality extension services, weak business intelligence and limited access to quality markets among others.

With funds from Uganda Communication Commission(UCC), Eight Tech Consults’ with experience in research services and developing and managing ICT innovations who are the systems developers and with UNFFE’S structure from village to National level will help in ensuring holistic programme penetration and impact.

Therefore ICT4FARMERS is a project aimed at enhancing ICT adaption, service delivery, content and digital skills for smallholder farmers which will improve their decision making and also transform the farming sector in Uganda.

Feel free to get in touch with us on how best we can make ICTS WORK FOR FARMERS.

You can also follow project activities, on our social media platforms facebook and twitter @ict4farmers


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