Training And Recruitment of Farmers in Kyarusozi Subcounty-Kyenjojo District On The Importance Of Ict4agric Innovation.

The overall objective of this activity was to accelerate the uptake of ICT4Agric innovations by various actors especially smallholder farmers in a Number of value chains covering crops, animals and fisheries etc. in kyarusozi sub  -county Kyenjojo District.

The specific objectives of the activity were to train and recruit area small holder farmers on the usage and uptake of ICT4Agric innovation and encourage the enhancing ICT adaptation, service delivery, content and digital skills for smallholder farmers

  1. Introduction of the ICT4Agric innovations to the farmers in Kyarusozi sub-county, Kyenjojo district.
  2. Encouragement and mobilization for formulation and establishment of a united farmer group/organization for easier resource mobilization
  3. Introduction of the UNFFE ICT4FARMERS system and mobile application in the farming practices in the area. During the training, farmers were encouraged to use the ICT4Agric innovation in their farming practices.
  4. Guidance and training on the use of farmers call centers. During the training, the farmers were encouraged to use the toll-free call center so as to always be possible to seek advice during the farming practices.
  5. Training on product follow up skills like record keeping using the ICT4Agric innovations
  6. Farmer sensitization on how ICT will improve the livelihood of farmers if incorporated into farming.
  7. Farmer sensitization on how will ICT solve the market problems they have in Kyarusozi district Kyenjojo district.

Below are some of the pictures showing members of 8tech consults carrying out this training.

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