Research Methods And Data Analysis

This course aims at developing students’ knowledge and competence of the research process and the application of research methods. In the area of social research and its social and legal applications.

The course ends with modules on practical research issues such as writing the research proposal within which topics include procedures, and protocols, ethical issues, design, data collection and analysis, and the presentation of findings.

Research Methods will be starting on 22nd February 2021, Fees 400,000shs for a Month.

Objectives / Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module successful students will be expected to be able to:

  • Equip students with tools or knowledge by which they can analyze data;
  • Demonstrate advanced understanding of the requirements for effective analysis and interpretation of quantitative and qualitative data and information.
  • Analyze qualitative and/or quantitative information
  • Synthesize information and formulate appropriate outputs
  • Apply the principles of research ethics to data storage & reporting
  • Communicate the output of research appropriately

Modules that will be taken during the course of the study.

Introduction to social Research Methods, Definition of Research, Writing a problem Statement

Hypothesis testing, Literature review, Research designs, approaches and methods, Triangulation of research methods, Sample size determination, Data processing, analysis and interpretation

Validity and reliability of research methods, Ethical considerations in research, Report writing

VENUE: Blended i.e. Both online at    and physical venue will be communicated.

(All participants will have access and contribute to the online discussions (Forums) setup to help members exchange ideas. The course will continue being available to members four months after the training.

Cohort Course Training Dates; 15thJune , 15th September 2021

Target Audience

Researchers, NGOs, University Graduates., Private entities, Large scale entities.

Registration is open for both modules. For More Information please call: +256 785 137305 / 0414-666-784 | 0704140818 Or Email: cc: and Book Your Place Today