Background and objectives of the activity:
As part of the launch activity for the ICT4Farmers program by the Ministry of Agriculture Animal Industry and fisheries (MAAIF), a partnership was made with the Uganda National Farmers Federation (UNFFE) who are the program lead on the ICT4Farmers program to support the implementation of specific activities, within the framework of the agro-industrialization agenda and pillar number one of the Parish Development Model (PDM). These activities include the following
- Profiling of Large scale farmers, with 50 acres of land and above
- Compiling seasonal production data for the major food and income security
- Organizing of Farmer Barazas
- Formation of District Farmers Associations, where they do not exist.
The profiling of large scale farmers will be carried out during February to April 2023. The rest of the activities will be carried out continuously. This activity will help the government to come up with interventions for large scale farmers to increase the production of key commodities for both food security and export and will contribute to the provision of production data for precision planning.
UNFFE working with their technology partners 8Tech under the program ICT4Farmers carried out the large scale farmers profiling exercise in the sub regions of West Nile and Acholi.