Farmers ToTs Last Mile Digital Skills Training in Central Region.

Background and objectives of the activity:

The activity was aimed at farther skilling and training farmer ToTs on digital skills development, the use of e-services like Gmail, google drive, google meet, one drive, zoom, social media, and the effective use of the internet. The ToTs also had a refresher training on how to use the ICT4Farmers mobile app for better and safer record keeping. ICT4Farmers record keeping and farm management module is a service on the mobile app that helps farmer better manage their farm activity record, financial record and production record for all the value chain stages of farming. Pre-production, Production and Post-production or post-harvest.

How to use the e-agriculture to access reliable and authentic farming information, a complete training on the e-agriculture academy was given to the farmers using the learn as you do approach.

The farmers toll free call Centre training was also given to the farmers and practical demonstrations were made.

About The Training Offered


Digital technologies are electronic tools, systems, devices and resources that generate, store or process data. Well known examples include social media, online games, multimedia and mobile phones. Digital learning is any type of learning that uses technology. It can happen across all curriculum learning areas

Digital technology enables immense amounts of information to be compressed on small storage devices that can be easily preserved and transported. Digitization also quickens data transmission speeds. Digital technology has transformed how people communicate, learn, and work.

Large numbers of peoples use social media as an essential element of the overall content dissemination. It is a critical venue for exchanging information about crucial matters these days. Aside from the ability to communicate information anywhere, at any time, social media sites are also a fantastic source of producing networking possibilities to establish social activities and possibly new markets. 30+ Farmers ToTs had a lesson on how to use the social media, those without email addresses were created for them. Farmer ToTs also received trainings in the following digital services

i.            How to use zoom.

ii.            How to use google meet.

iii.            How to use google drive.

iv.            How to efficiently search the internet

v.            How to safely use the internet.


The toll free call Centre number (0800209003) supports the 5 major languages which include; English (1), Luganda (2), Runyakitara (3), Swahili (4) and Luo (5) the system offers Agricultural support for various value chains namely Animal husbandry, crop husbandry, fisheries and forestry. Coffee related issues are supported in English and Luganda. A detailed call centre training was offered to the farmers clearly highlighting how to select a language of choice and also sample calls were made to ensure that the participated have learnt how to use the toll free call centre.

E-Agriculture Academy.

E-Agric academy is the mode of delivery of learning and training through digital devices for the farmers. This makes it easy for farmers to learn anytime, anywhere, with few, if any, restrictions. Basically, an e-agriculture academy is a platform for training, learning, or education delivered online through a computer or any other digital device for the smallholder farmer.  The farmer ToTs were trained about how to use the e-agriculture academy.

i.            How to access the e-agriculture academy?

ii.            How to create your account?

iii.            How to login to the e-agriculture academy?

iv.            How to access agriculture courses and how to enrol for a course.

To access the e-agriculture academy ensure that you have internet access on your laptop, computer or smartphone and load any web browsers. Type and please enter to access the system on your device

ICT4Farmers Mobile App

The ICT4Farmers Mobile app was downloaded and used to training and demonstrate how record keeping can be better management and safely stored.

i.            How to create your account on the app?

ii.            How to complete your profile?

iii.            How to register your farm and workers?

iv.            How monitor works activity.

v.            How to use the market access service?

vi.            Using the Pest and Disease module?

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