Background and objectives of the activity:
The activity was aimed at further skilling and training farmers on the use of digital tools like the ICT4Farmers mobile app for better and safer record keeping. ICT4Farmers record keeping and farm management module is a service on the mobile app that helps farmer better manage their farm activity record, financial record, and production record for all the value chain stages of farming. Pre-production, Production, and Post-production or post-harvest.
The farm leader and priest present was briefed and trained on the different modules of the mobile app, the call center, and the e-agriculture academy. In preparation for the farmers’ training that will be held later in the same place.
Sub-activities implemented and venue(s):
- Call Centre training and user trial.
- Did farmer records take using the mobile app for post-harvest records?
- Planned to mobilize and train farmers on the benefits of digitization and the role of ICT in improving the livelihood of farmers.
- Introduce farmers to online learning using the E-Agriculture academy through their parish priest.
- Training coffee farmers on the different techniques for maximum income generation using the family setting model.
- Identify the potential area and the possibilities of setting up an ICT support center to help in accelerating the digital agenda and ICt4Farmers programs